Frequently Asked Questions

1) What astrology indicators predict a crisis
2)  Will there be any good, positive outcomes from the crisis
3) What exactly do the astrology indicators predict
4) What should I do
5) Can astrology provide financial advice
6) How can I lower my risk of problems if I have a high BAD score
7) How accurate is my BAD score if I do not know my birth time
8) How certain is StarWise that the current problems will get worse
9) Which countries will have the most difficulties
10) Are these effects the same in the southern hemisphere
11) Who else thinks this will happen

1) What astrology indicators predict a crisis...
There are six major, rare astrology indicators of stress and upheaval occurring from 2006 to 2038.  These indicators suggest that two real-world dynamics are causing the crisis--the retirement of the "WW2 baby boomers" and dwindling natural resources due mostly to population, war and materialism.

While the effects of these two dynamics will be serious economic challenges, insecurity and loss of freedom for most people in most places, about 1/4-1/3 of humanity will enjoy more prosperity and opportunities.  By the late 2030's, the super-rich will gain, the middle-class in Europe and North America will lose, the middle-class in China, Brazil, and perhaps Australia and India, will gain, and the poor everywhere will lose.

Current Crisis Indicators: T-Square

The easiest astrology indicator to see is the T-Square pattern between Saturn, Uranus and Pluto, which begins in June-July, 2010 and lasts until 2012 (chart 1).  Luckily Saturn, Uranus and Pluto rarely form such a T-square pattern, since it always corresponds to long periods of intense problems for most people in most places.  This T-square becomes geometrically precise in July, 2010, but it actually began forming in December, 2007.

During the time 2010-2012, the Sun, Moon, and other planets will combine into the T-square pattern at various dates, greatly intensifying the effects. These "eruptions" will happen mostly near the start of January, April, July, and October.  Thus, from late June, 2010 until late 2012, major world upsets will occur at least every three months, though some will remain hidden from the public until later.  While the eruptions from the T-Square pattern peak in 2012, the negative after-effects unfortunately last until 2021 and overlap the other "less obvious" crisis indicators listed below.

Chart 1 - 2008-2012 Crisis
Saturn - Uranus - Pluto T Square

Chart 2 - July 29, 2010 - Mars & Jupiter
intensify the "T" Square

For example, in July, 2010 (chart 2), Mars and Jupiter join the T-square pattern.  This will greatly increase the crisis effects for a month before and after this date.  Expect the first major world upset related to this T-square to occur then, and make life far more difficult for most people from that point on. Only a few places and people will prosper happily thereafter.
Past Similar T-Squares

A very similar Saturn-Uranus-Pluto T-square (chart 3) was the key astrology pattern during the bad 1929 and the far worse 1930 stock market crashes, which caused the Great Depression and led to WW II.  Before that, a similar T-square of these planets occurred from 1873-76 (chart 4) during the tragic "Panic of 1873," a severe worldwide economic depression. 

Similar T-squares also occurred in 1237-40, 1498-1501, 1565-68 and 1793-97 (see charts of these patterns).  Major natural disasters, economic problems and/or wars happened during all these periods.  Among the past T-squares, 1237-40 and 1929-32 are the most similar to the current 2010-12 pattern.

During the Vietnam War, WW II, WW I, and the American Civil War, there were also very stressful astrology patterns between Saturn, Uranus and Pluto, just not T-squares.

Chart 3 - Start of Great Depression
(& WW II)

Chart 4 - Panic of 1873
Saturn - Uranus - Pluto T Square

Current Crisis Indicators: Mutual Reception

Another stressful indicator, which is easy to see, occurs between Uranus and Neptune.  Every ~165 years they occupy each other's sign for 7 years, a pattern known as "mutual reception."  The effects are similar to a conjunction, and are particularly bad for those countries, like the USA, with a stressful Uranus-Neptune relationship in their birth chart.

This time (chart 5) the mutual reception occurs from 2003 to 2010, just before the above T-square pattern forms.  This is a very ominous one-two punch and is followed by yet more stressful patterns after 2014.  The last mutual reception was in 1837 (chart 6), coinciding with the disastrous Panic of 1837 and the "Trail of Tears."

Chart 5
Uranus - Neptune in 2008 financial crash

Chart 6
Uranus - Neptune in Panic of 1837

Current Crisis Indicators: Less obvious

In addition to the two obvious astrology indicators, there are other stressful indicators lasting until 2038 which suggest that a 2nd Great Depression began in 2007 and may culminate in local, national and/or world violence and wars.  These other indicators predict stress mostly because of the "bad" signs that Uranus, Neptune and Pluto will occupy, not because a "bad" pattern, like a T-square, will occur.  “Bad” sign placements for planets usually coincide with more stress than does a "bad" pattern.

  • Uranus squares Pluto from 2010 - 2018, a particularly violent indicator Past examples
  • Saturn conjuncts Pluto in Capricorn from 2017 - 2021
  • Pluto is in the sign Capricorn from 2008 - 2022, particularly stressful for the USA
  • Pluto is in its worst possible sign Aquarius from 2022 - 2043
  • Neptune is in a bad sign Aries from 2026 - 2039
  • Uranus is in its worst sign Taurus from 2018 - 2026
  • The positive effects of the ~90-year Neptune sextile Pluto mostly end in 2023-2024


The timeline below summarizes the effects of the key astrology patterns from 1989-2022. The patterns that indicate "boom times" are green while the "bust" patterns are red. The S&P 500 stock market index (quarterly) shows how the "green boom bulls" and the "red bust bears" combine over time. After mid 2011, mostly red "bust" patterns occur until ~2022. This is the opposite of 1989-99 when mostly green "boom" effects occurred.

  • Only green and no red, the S&P booms (1989-2000, '03-06)
  • Only red and no or "weak" green, the S&P busts (2000-01, '07-08, 2nd half '10, mid '11 to '20's)
  • Green and red both equally strong, the S&P zig-zags "flat" or stalls with a narrow trading range


2) Will there be any good, positive outcomes from the crisis..."
Yes, of course! Astrology shows that economic highs and lows (actually, all life) occur in complex cycles matching planetary (and universal) cycles. "Good" economic times lead to "bad" times which lead to more "good" times. Thus, the difficult times from 2008-2038(?) will eventually create another period of prosperity

The astrology indicators of boom-bust cycles are many and complex (see FAQ 2 below). However, a simple understanding can be gained by considering three key planetary cycles:

  • Saturn conjunct Pluto = "booms": 1947-66, 1982-2001, 2020-36
  • Saturn conjunct Uranus = "booms": 1943-66, 1988-2008, 2033-58
  • Uranus conjunct Pluto = "booms": 1945-56, 1966-2008, 2027-41

Since "the mother of invention is necessity" and many people will be in dire need, expect these positive outcomes to result from the crisis:

  • Revolutionary inventions, discoveries and scientific / engineering breakthroughs
  • Increased wealth for about 1/4-1/3 of humanity in a good location and/or with wise plans of action
  • Economization, conservation, increased productivity and efficiency in every aspect of life, work, home and play
  • Forced cooperation by world governments to more rapidly reduce global warming, pollution, desertification, resource depletion, disease, nuclear terrorism, etc.
  • Surge in personal gratitude, wholesome behavior, peace and appreciation of life's simple pleasures AFTER the entire crisis ends (similar in effect to what occurred after the Sept 11, '01 disaster, but much longer lasting)


3) What exactly do the astrology indicators predict...
They indicate that the following problems may significantly increase:

  • Global warming => droughts, floods, hyper-canes, tornados, crop failures, etc.
  • Resource depletion (water, oil, fish, food, etc.)
  • Over-population overwhelming government, trade, law/order, etc.
  • Disease, war, famine
  • Natural disasters (earthquakes, volcanoes, tidal waves, solar radiation, etc.)


4) What should I do...
Read and follow the recommendations here:

Help others to prepare now to minimize potential problems and take full advantage of any opportunities ahead.  Share your gift of advance knowledge carefully however, since few people appreciate a messenger with bad news.

Therefore enjoy love, laughter and living every precious moment you can.


5) Can astrology provide financial advice...
Yes, astrology can provide you with a detailed plan of action. You can learn your best days to invest and to make wise, beneficial financial decisions. You can also learn IF your broker, financial advisor, doctor, lawyer, contractor, etc. are beneficial or detrimental to your goals.

Astrologers who specialize in financial astrology can even recommend specific markets, individual companies, stocks, bonds, and other investment vehicles which are most profitable for you. Such advice has a maximum probability of 60-70% success and should be combined with information and advice from other professional sources to minimize your risk of loss.

The last two T-square patterns (1929-32 and 1873-76) profoundly impacted the real VALUE (purchasing power inflation adjusted) of wealth and investments, not to mention the unemployment, poverty, chaos and war that ensued. Precious metals (gold, silver) enjoyed net real increases in value. Tangible essential items, like homes, lost only modest value. Paper investments (stocks, bonds) and non-essential items and commodities (oil) lost the most value.

However, the past will NOT be an exact example of what will occur in 2010-13 since important differences exist between then and now. For example, in the past, OIL was not the critical, depleting resource it is today. Plus, major new challenges exist now due to world population, pollution and resource depletion.

Also, paper money, whose value is not based on reality (gold), but on government fiat (debt), is now a big portion of world financial liquidity. The paper money in use today has actually only existed since the 1970's when Nixon ended the dollar-to-gold standard. Throughout history, such paper money has never survived more than a few decades.

In 1929 one-half, in 1873 two-thirds, and in 1837 three-quarters of the economy of the USA and Europe was solidly based on essential core items like food, shelter, etc. which cushioned the depression. Those past economies only collapsed down to the large core before recovering. Especially in the 1800's, non-essential items were a luxury for the rich. Thus, stocks and bonds barely fell in 1873-76, because the rich could ride out the depression for a while. Yet the Panic of 1836-43 lasted long enough to cut into stock values.

In sharp contrast to past crises, the US and Europe economies nowadays are only 1/4 based on essential core items. These "virtual" economies are mostly based on intangible items, such as services, intellectual property, debt, paper money, loans, stocks, bonds, futures, insurance, derivatives, etc. The floating value of such items can not only change quickly, but has little real worth in a crisis.

These factors suggest that the developed world will suffer much worse problems in 2010-13 than it did in past T-square crises.


6) How can I lower my risk of problems if I have a high BAD score...
IF your high score is mostly due to your 1st house (ascendant) and MC (midheaven), then the easiest solution may be to relocate to a great location for you.

IF your high score is mostly due to your planet positions (degree and sign), then relocation may only partially help you reduce the consequences of the crisis. You should be very pro-active and energetic in preparing and managing the potential negative crisis effects (see “Ways to survive, maybe thrive”).


7) How accurate is my BAD score if I do not know my birth time...
Your BAD score may be up to 1/3 wrong, higher or lower than you estimate without using the 1st house and MC.

In addition to the planet positions, it is important to evaluate the aspects between your planets Run the “Aspects and Midpoints Grid (graphic)” calculation as well as the “Chart Planets *Graphic Wheel)”.


8) How certain is StarWise that the current problems will get worse...
StarWise 100% expects the current crisis to get worse from 2010 on.

What is NOT yet precisely known is:

  • How severe (duration and intensity) the crisis will be. The crisis may be “Short”, “Medium” or “Long.” For example, the Great Depression and WW2 were a “Long” crisis.
  • Will the 2010-2014 crisis last so long that it merges with the negative consequences of the patterns happening in 2020’s? If this happens, it gives no recovery time between various struggles.


9) Which countries will have the most difficulties...
Sadly, most of the poorest countries in the world, the 3rd- and 4th-world nations, will likely suffer the most profound difficulties, because they start off poor already.

However, the United States and Europe will likely experience the highest tragic increases in unemployment, home loss, poverty, crime, etc. While these rich nations will suffer the greatest drop in their standard of living during the crisis, they will still end up better off than most 2nd-, 3rd- and 4th-world nations. Exceptions are China, Brazil, and the oil-producing nations which may enjoy huge increases in their standard of living.


10) Are these effects the same in the southern hemisphere...

No, there are major differences between what will happen in the Northern hemisphere versus the Southern hemisphere.  All the charts here show the ecliptic sign positions for the Northern hemisphere only.   The planets are in the opposite ecliptic signs in the Southern hemisphere.   The same negative patterns still occur nonetheless, but in South America, India, Australia, and NZ, the patterns manifest via different signs.   This means the same "dynamic force" manifests in a different way.

For example, at this time Pluto is in ecliptic Cancer in the Southern hemisphere, versus ecliptic Capricorn in the Northern hemisphere.   The death-and-rebirth, collapsing-black-hole-in-space, survival-of-the-fittest, might-is-right dynamic of Pluto is now challenging Cancer issues (such as, home, family, neighborhood community, personal identity, etc.) in the Southern hemisphere.   In contrast, in the Northern hemisphere, Pluto's dynamic is undermining Capricorn issues (government, business, public affairs, authority, social structure, security, efficiency, etc.).

Chart 7 below shows the 2008-14 T-Square pattern only for the Southern hemisphere.   Chart 1 (repeated below) shows the same T-Square pattern only for the Northern hemisphere.  Note how the planet pattern is identical but the signs are reversed (opposite).

Chart 7 - 2008-2014 T-Square
Southern Hemisphere

Chart 1 - 2008-2014 T-Square
Northern Hemisphere


11) Who else thinks this will happen...
      (some of the first people to correctly predict the current crisis--to a greater or lesser degree)

Melchior Palyi, Hungarian economic scientist, German Bank expert, and U.S. finance
           professor, accurately predicted the 2007-2020(?) world economic crisis in 1938. 
           [11-6-10 WSJ, "The Man who called the Financial Crisis--70 Years Early"]
Co-authors of "Limits to Growth" & the "30-Year Update": Dennis Meadows, Donella
           Meadows, Jørgen Randers, William Behrens 3rd
Martin Armstrong, economist-inventor of "Economic Confidence Model"

Ron Paul, U.S. Representative, Texas
Ludwig von Mises, economist & key founder of Austrian "libertarian" economics
F. A. Hayek, economist, writer and professor of Austrian free market economics
Harry Dent Jr., economist (
Robert Hitt, stock analyst, astrologer: (
Jeremy Grantham, chief investment strategist,
Nouriel Roubini, economic professor (
Manfred Zimmel, economist & astrologer (
Drs. Calleman & Lungold, biologists & Maya Calendar experts: (
Bobby Drinnon, psychic (
Ray Merriman, stock expert & astrologer (
Paul Tustain, editor of (
Burkhard Heim, physicist & cycle-theorist(& Ray Thomes, Martin Armstrong, et al)
Donald Bradley, stock market 'Bradley Curve'
Jared Diamond, Ph. D, author "Collapse 2005"
Stephen Troutman, futurist
Graham Turner, economist and author of "The Credit Crunch"
Jim Sinclair, gold price forecaster
Larry Pesavento, stock & commodities forecaster, Fibonacci expert
Daniel A. Arnold, demographer
David Stockman, Former GOP insider "How my G.O.P. destroyed the U.S. economy."
Some solar flare scientists, cycle researchers & religious scholars
Annie Leonard, "consumption" expert, author of "The Story of Stuff" [English website]
           [español, Deutsch, Françias,Россию,Nederlands....International website]
Samuel J. “Bud” Kress, author of SineScope Advisory newsletter, world famous for his
          predictions based on classic and proprietary economic cycle analysis
Greg Hunter, economic journalist
Ellen Hodgson Brown, J.D., banking analyst

See Google or Wikipedia for more on these experts.

This list is only intended to provide more information about the 2007-2030(?) crisis and is not an endorsement nor recommendation by of any person and/or business.  The merits of any services and/or products offered for sale by those listed should of course be judged separately and carefully.


